
Strong Points

The latest news, information, and ideas to help you:
Get strong. Stay strong. Live strong.

Resistance or Cardio — What’s Better For Your Heart?

Strength Training

Resistance or Cardio?
illustration of someone pinching their stomach fat

Visceral Fat

News, Strength Training

All fat isn’t the same.  When we think about losing weight and getting fit, we typically imagine ridding ourselves of subcutaneous fat — the kind …
Wellness Challenge May 7 - June 18

Free Body Scans

Wellness Challenge

Summer is Coming, get your body ready for it … with Free scans! Summer is almost here! We’ve are experiencing some nice weather already and …

Free Body scans!

Wellness Challenge

Summer is Coming, get your body ready for it … with Free scans! Spring is almost here and nice weather is around the corner.  It’s …
diagram showing circle of fitness, sleep, eating and water habits

Tips for your Best Workout

Strength Training

So, great. You’re working out! Good for you! Now that this has become a regular part of your life (or soon will), you’re probably thinking, …
grid of photos showing every day activities

The Body is Always In Training

Strength Training

The body is dynamic and is always changing to meet the needs imposed upon it.  In the current climate of emerging from the COVID 19 …
NAF sign

One Step to a Better Me Challenge 

Wellness Challenge

Join Our One Step to a Better Me Challenge Learn how to improve health markers and use data to improve your results.  Challenge participants receive …